Place-based Arts Gathering & Artist Residency Summit

Locally rooted, place-based and creativity-centered organizations

Thursday, September 21


1pm: Welcome and introductions

2pm: Taking stock: Celebrating where we are

3:00pm: Break

3:15pm: Looking ahead

4pm: Wrap-up and reflection

4:30pm: Reception

Michigan-based artist residency programs

Friday, September 22


9:30am: Arrival, welcome, introductions

10:30am: Session 1 (emergent, based on registration feedback)

11:15am: Break

11:30am: Session 2 (emergent, based on registration feedback)

12:15pm: Lunch

1pm: Session 3: (emergent, based on registration feedback)

2pm: Taking stock: Celebrating where we are

3pm: Break

3:15pm: Looking ahead

4pm: Wrap-up and reflection

4:30pm: Reception